Making payment through Credit Cards is absolutely safe on our websites. Our payment gateway receives credit card information with 128 Bit Encryption. This is the safest and the most trustworthy way to make online transactions. Additionally, there is Zero Scope of Hacking of credit card information on our websites, as we do not store such information with us.
Whenever moving for online purchases, you should check the little ‘Lock’ icon on the bottom of your web browser. This icon indicates that your personal information will be kept confidential and protected by secure encryption while the same is sent over the internet. As an alternative, you can also check this by moving you cursor on web page and clicking the right-click button of mouse and selecting the ‘Properties’ from menu. And now, if the web address starts with “https” where an ‘s’ denotes a secure web server, then it is safe for online purchases.
Online purchases usually necessitate shopper to ‘log-in’ before placing or viewing an order. For this, shoppers are required to fill in and proceed with a username and a password. The shoppers must not share their password with anyone. Information like birth date, maiden name or phone number should be avoided while selecting any password. The password chosen at a particular site should be different from the passwords kept at other site. It is always suggested to keep alpha- numeric password with at least 8 letters in it.
After an online purchase, the shoppers should get a confirmation page that reviews their entire order. The confirmation page should comprise the costs of the order, customer information, product information and the confirmation number. It is suggested to keep hard copy/soft copy of the Web Page which describes the details of item(s) ordered along with the page reflecting the company name, postal address, phone number, legal terms, and return policy. Store such records with you for a minimum a period which covers return/warranty policy. Generally, the shoppers are emailed with a confirmation message by the merchants. It is necessary to save or print such message, including any other e-mail correspondence with the company.